7 Brain Exercises To Improve Creativity
Are you ready to unleash your creativity and achieve extraordinary success? Discover how these 7 brain exercises can help.

7 Brain Exercises To Improve Creativity
Everyone wants to do something extraordinary, something wild, big and creative that would shake the world and make them stand out.
They overwork, leaving their physical health at stake, then get to the point where they struggle to create, to think properly, and their brains would say, “When last did you stretch me?
You've probably heard the old adage, “use it or lose it," and many researchers believe this notion is related to the brain, because it's the seat of our thoughts, both positive and negative.
Research has shown that each hemisphere of the brain processes information differently, and that one side of the brain tends to reign supreme over the other.
The left side of the brain is guided by linear and vertical thinking which handles language, logic, symbols and processes information in a step-by-step fashion. The right side of the brain is responsible for creative thinking and processes information intuitively.
While it's necessary to build body resilience and to remain physically agile, your brain health also takes the same pattern.
Think of it as exercising your brain to challenge your mind and to ward off memory loss which are beneficial as you age.
The brain is involved in everything we do, and like every part of our body, it has to be cared for too, such as embarking on mental exercises that are designed to maintain and strengthen cognitive abilities.
These brain trainings are geared towards boosting intelligence, focus, speedy processing, and executive functioning.
No matter how old you are, keeping your brain alive and active is as important as the food you eat and can make daily tasks quicker and easier to do. All it takes is a few minutes each day.
Ready to hone your mental sharpness? Let's take a deep dive into these brain exercises…
Learn A New Language
Being able to speak more than one language is superpower, because it gives you an edge over others, it's never too late to start. An easy way to begin is by taking online courses or using language learning apps like Duolingo or Babbel which allows you practice at your pace. This bilingualism increases connectivity in different areas of your brain, boosting problem-solving skills. You're ready. Start learning.
Playing Games
If you've probably watched the mini series TV Show, The Queen's Gambit (2020), you'd be chess-curious because it's a complex game that rely on logic, math, and visuo-spatial skills. Other games like crossword puzzles, trivia, jigsaw, etc. also help challenge your brain to think fast and smart. You can use online game apps like Sudoku, Word Puzzle, Learn Chess, etc., to begin with, and if you’re a fan of cards or video games, it's okay to carve out a few minutes. It's a solid option, so play games.
Daily Meditation
Meditating is one the best ways to ease off stress and focus your mind in a calm, controlled way. This is a great idea to declutter from bad energy and to take up optimism, a typical fitness activity is yoga. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing. Also, if you enjoy forming mental images in your head, for instance, before you go shopping, you imagine how you would get there, what you would buy, and how you would return, then visualization is for you which helps in making appropriate decisions and organize information.
Build Personal Vocabulary
You could be reading a book or watching a movie, and a word or sentence resonates, penning in a notepad will broaden your knowledge and make you sound smart. If they're words you're unfamiliar with, look them up in the dictionary and to help your choice of words, put these vocabularies to practice by adding them to your day-to-day conversations, this would increase memory retention and comprehension.
Listen To Or Play Music
Music are filled with interesting lyrics, information and facts that speaks to our soul. Challenge your brain by listening to variety of genre, from Hip Hop, R&B, Afrobeats, etc. Your brain will get a workout expressing how you feel mentally and emotionally, connecting you to the realm of creativity, that is attaching an experience, a person, or an object which is why certain songs don't leave, but are stuck somewhere in our heads. And if you want to learn how to play music, your brain is capable because you’re never too old to start playing an instrument like the piano, guitar, or even the drums.
Hit The Gym
This is one of the core brain exercises which proves that they protect the brain from shrinking as it ages. If you want to build a better brain, take care of your physical health, because they strengthen the mind to see from new and positive perspectives. Start by incorporating activities like going for long walks, running, jogging, martial arts, or even dance lessons. Try to add fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Stay hydrated. Relax after stretching. Sleep well and your brain will thank you for years to come.
Socialize With Others
Do you want an easy way to increase your creative brain power? The answer may lie in stepping out of your comfort zone. You can't afford to spend each day in solitude, because we were created to need one another. Join communities. Attend boot camps. Volunteer for a cause. This will expose you to meet new people and have new experiences. Other leisure activities like engaging in discussions, participating in sport, playing games, etc., also help stimulate the brain. Like they say in the business world, Network! You never can tell where the road leads.
Now, you have them.
The key is to choose activities that you enjoy, ensuring you stay motivated and engaged.
Don't wait. Work It!
Photo Credit: Images from Google
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