Opinions, doubts and ideas fly around as a Nigerian catholic priest marries in the U.S before exiting properly from priesthood

During ordination, a catholic priest takes several oaths and makes promises to God and the church. He promises to uphold and defend the teachings of the catholic church, as taught by the pope and the bishops in communion with him, he also promises to obey his bishop and the pope and follow the laws and regulations of the church. These rules and regulations are rooted in the church’s theology, tradition and canon law. There are many things a priest cannot do, they include, getting married, bearing children, holding public offices, engaging in business, and so on.
All these are no-go areas for him because doing them jeopardizes his ministry and relationship with the church. For example, a priest is not allowed to hold public office, as it may create conflicts among his congregation and hereby distract them from their spiritual duties.
However, seemingly, a catholic priest has not only disobeyed the authority of the church, he has also broken his vow of celibacy and caused a big scandal and confusion with his act. The priest, whose full name is Rev. Fr. Daniel Okanatotor Oghenerukevwe, has reportedly gotten married to his lover in the United States of America, and denounced his priestly duties.
In a decree addressed to the diocesan secretariat, by the bishop of Warri diocese, Bishop Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, and co-signed by Very Rev. Fr. Clement Abobo, on 16TH January, 2025, Rev. Fr. Daniel has been suspended from priestly duties.
In the letter, the now married priest had reached out to the diocese through the bishop, on 30th November 2024, and disclosed his intention to be cut off “canonical obligations and responsibilities associated with Holy Orders within the Roman Catholic Church”.
After this disclosure, the diocese requested for documents that are required of him to submit in order to start the process of his exit from priesthood, of which he did not provide before he got married to his lover. In the bishop’s statement, “on December 29,2024, Fr. Oghenerukevw entered into marriage with Ms. Dora Chichah at the Streams of Joy Church in Dallas, USA. Footage of this marriage has been widely circulated on social media”.
He further said, “by this action, Rev. Fr. Daniel Okanatotor Oghenerukevwe has incurred a Latae Sententiae suspension in accordance with the provisions of the Canon 1394, and I, Most Rev. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, Bishop of Warri, do hereby officially hereby decree that he is suspended from the exercise of sacred ministry. As such, he is prohibited from presenting himself as a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Warri in any capacity. All canonical implications associated with this suspension take immediate effect. He retains the right to petition for the revocation or amendment of this decree in accordance with Canon 1734 whenever he demonstrates a willingness to reform”.
Note that ‘Latae sententiae’ is a Latin phrase that originates from canon law in the catholic church, meaning ‘automatic sentence’. The canon law on the other hand, is the set of rules and regulations that governs the catholic church. In the catholic church, Latae Sententiae is a type of excommunication in the catholic church, without the need for a formal declaration or trial. This type of excommunication occurs automatically when an individual commits specific offense like, rejecting the catholic faith or joining another religion, denying or doubting a core catholic doctrine, refusing to submit to the authority of the pope or bishops, procuring or assisting in an abortion, or a priest or bishop attempting to marry.
The effects of excommunication on the priest therefore includes, loss of office and seizure of priestly functions, inability to receive sacraments, including the communion, confession and anointing of the sick.
While it is not confirmed that the ex-priest has left the catholic church completely, the video circulating the social media shows that the marriage was done in another church, which is reportedly his wife’s church.
Netizens have expressed their feelings on the issue, while some empathized with the ex-priest on his decisions, others condemned his act and termed it as a ‘slap’ on the catholic church, while some saw nothing wrong with his decision to get married rather than commit moral atrocities while remaining a priest.
In actuality, priests have the liberty of renouncing their oaths if they feel they cannot go on anymore, and choose a different part in life, however, just like their journey to the altar took processes, their exit also have processes, which the ex-priest was not patient enough to follow.
From the words of the bishop, the catholic church is benevolent and willing to take him back if recognizes his error, confesses his sin and performs his absolution as received from a bishop or priest authorized to lift the excommunication.
“May God grant him the grace to reflect on this situation and guide him on the path of reconciliation”, the bishop said.
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