The Pathway between Religion and Morality: Is it connected or separate

This question must have played in the mind of individuals at one point in time. Does religion have influence on morality or are they two separate entities. Today’s article is based on giving you answers to this mind burgling question, so sit back, relax and journey with me through the world of Religion and morality.

Jan 23, 2024 - 04:46
Jan 24, 2024 - 10:39
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The Pathway between Religion and Morality: Is it connected or separate
People with different religious beliefs


Different religious symbols and their elements

The connection between Religion and morality cannot be known, unless one takes a careful look at what both terms means and how they might have influence on each other. Religion has caused a very huge controversy concerning its definition. We have different scholars who define religion according to their own discipline or belief. This contributes to the reason religion cannot have a definite or universal definition. However, we shall define religion using the popular definitions by some scholars. According to Emilie Durkheim, religion is “a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things that is things set apart or forbidden.” For Durkheim religion has to do with believing in things that are forbidden or seen as taboo, those things to him regulate the people’s belief system. (Oderinde 2023:1) Another scholar defined religion as “the belief in spiritual beings.” For E.B Tylor religion is about believing in things that has root in deep phenomenon that is things people cannot easily phantom, things that are beyond the ordinary and can only be represented in supernatural realm. Frederick Streng defined religion as a means to ultimate transformation. According to this definition, one can deduce that religion is seen as something that changes people and guides their code of conduct. This definition places emphasis on the fact that religion transforms an individual. A lot of argument have been made on whether religion transforms an individual’s personality or it was just pure upbringing and sense of morality that is at work. Like wise people believe that morality is basically based on the theory of divine command. That is whatever God says is what is considered right or wrong. We have seen atheist who counter the effect of religion as involve in shaping people in the society. Some atheist say they have no business with religion; however, they are morally upright. This leads us to the question of what morality is and what it entails.


Act of right and wrong

Morality in other words refers to ethics, moral codes of conduct, beliefs about right and wrong. Encarta dictionary defines it as accepted moral standards: standards of conduct that are generally accepted as right or proper. How right or wrong something is, the rightness or wrongness of something as judged by accepted moral standards. Morality is seen in different perspectives, it can be expressed through dressing, manner of speech and interaction with people in the society. It all buoys down to what people define as morality in their individual society, it could be based on personal ethics, religious beliefs and Cultural value. In this article we shall focus on the interconnection between Morality and religion and probably take a quick look at their area of divergence. All in all it is important to note that both principles or terms are important and used by people according to their own dispensation.

Interconnection between religion and morality


Several arguments have been made concerning the relationship between religion and morality. While some scholars say Religion is harmful to morality, some say Religion and morality have nothing in common. However, another popular argument states that Religion and morality both work hand in hand in other to promote an harmonious society. How is this possible? If we look closely we notice that both religion and morality have shared beliefs and values which they place emphasis on. For instance, the importance of showing compassion, love and respect to individuals and people in the society cannot be undermined when it comes to both concept Likewise religion preaches peace and unity so does morality. Another important aspect is the people sense of purpose, we’ve had people say religion gives them a sense of purpose and belonging. In this case we can also say morality helps to give meanings to these authorizing processes. Religion teaches us how and manner of relating with people in our society, it does this by putting down moral rules and guidelines which the people are meant to uphold. Religion we all know lays its foundation on morality which means that they are both part and parcel of each other because one can’t do without the other. However just like we said in the beginning that both concepts differ to some extent and there have been arguments mostly brought up by the atheist and agnostics who believe that morality can be separated from religion. We shall therefore examine briefly the bridge between this connection.

 Difference between Religion and Morality 

Sacredness and desecration vs right and wrong: Religion is basically about things seen as sacred and consecrated for special purpose and those things are seen as having sordid influence in the practitioners of those religion. In religion there are do’s and don’ts things not to touch and say. However, morality bases all on what is right and wrong that is ability to know the rightness and wrongness of an action.

Revelation vs reasoning: For religion revelation is important because it is seen as a medium of guidance and also communication with the divine being. Revelation is like a tool in religion which attests to the existence and power of the divine being. While morality on the other hand focuses on reasoning. This could be seen in the philosophers rationalism who believe knowledge is gained through reasoning. The ability to make use of your cognitive skills as well as differentiate between what is right and wrong.

Afterlife vs societal well being: One can say that in every religion there is a concept of salvation which is seen as the ticket to the afterlife. The afterlife is very important in all Religion because it is the basis of their faith and reason they practice that religion Religious practitioners base their lives on doing only what the religion permits in order to gain access to the world beyond. Morality on the other hand places more emphasis on the well being of the people in the society, it places emphasis on people collectively benefitting in the society.

From this excerpt it’s obvious how religion and morality both have different views or opinion about the world view. However, despite their differences they have concise connection between them. Morality and Religion have a strong bond which makes it hard for people to differentiate what really guides their value and opinions in the society. The aim of both religion and morality is to build people with good intentions and character in order to promote peaceful coexistence in the society.


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OpeyemiMotunrayo An aspiring writer and lover of nature